Sharon Lyons

Irish Soprano


Sacrifice - Vikings

Season 1, Episode 8

A lot of you have arrived at my website because of that song in Vikings, so thank you for taking the time to find me!

I am constantly inundated with emails and messages about the meaning behind Sacrifice.

There are no specific lyrics for this piece of music, just improvised sounds most closely linked to an old Celtic or Latin language. We don't know for sure exactly what was sung during such a ritual during Viking times but I hope what I came up with sounded appropriate for the invoking of their Gods while offering up these sacrifices.

The version you heard on the episode was recorded live on set. The set was the side of a mountain in a county called Wicklow in Ireland. The exact name of the location was Devil's Glen (very appropriate!) and we filmed this episode on Halloween!! It was such an amazing experience for me, one which I hope I get to repeat again and again. I recorded the song so as to have a 'clean' version, and you can listen to that here on my website under the 'Listen' tab, and you can also purchase it on ITunes (  or CDBaby (


Sharon x

Chant written and performed by me, Sharon Lyons, for Episode 8 of Vikings. This version was recorded live in University Church, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin. There are no specific lyrics for this piece of music, just improvised sounds most closely linked to an old Celtic or Latin language.

Vikings S01 E08 - Sacrifice Scene The best scene in this series :) . I like the soundtrack in the scene , It's amazing !!

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